Renaissance Studies Courses
Upper Division
100. Studies in Renaissance Civilization - (4) - Staff May be repeated
for credit with consent of program chair. - An introduction to the interdisciplinary
study of Renaissance civilization. Specific topics vary from year to
year and may include such subjects as Medici Florence, fifteenth-century
Burgundy, Renaissance neoplatonism, Renaissance humanism, or Renaissance
199. Independent Studies in the Renaissance - (1-5) Staff - Prerequisites:
upper-division standing; completion of two upper-division courses in
renaissance studies. - Students must have a minimum 3.0 grade-point average
for the preceding three quarters and are limited to 5 units per quarter
and 30 units total in all 98/99/198/199/199AA-ZZ courses combined. Not
more than 12 units total of Renaissance Studies 199 may be taken. - Study
or research under the guidance of a member of the advisory committee
for seniors of high scholastic standing. Students wishing to enroll
should prepare a short plan of study for their coursework.